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Now printing has gone a long way because of technological advancement the people made. Books and other publications today can now be mass produced in a very short period of time while maintaining the quality of prints. There are now several ways of printing that publishers could choose from. Here are some of the well-known printing processes.

1. Offset Lithography is considered the most cost-effective that is why many in the industry prefer this process.

2. Letterpress, This is the original process ,With the technology becoming more advance, this process is becoming less famous and obsolete.

3. Digital Printing, This process is the most favored today because of its high quality prints and quick printing process from computer directly to the printer.

4. Engraving, Most of company letterhead and stationery are still printed using this method.

5. Electrostatic Printing , This process is mainly used for short run printing just like geographical maps and is becoming famous because it is prints faster than inkjet printers.